Kundalini Awakening

Kundalini is the primal energy latent in everyone. Anyone going through the spiritual journey will have their kundalini awakened even if their school of thought claims that they do not deal with kundalini or believes that its awakening is unnecessary as it is dangerous. Unfortunately, many do not know which side of kundalini they are referring to.

When the primal energy reaches every cell in our system, it then descends to the muladhara. It further divides into two conduits, one masculine and one feminine, finally settling at the right and left side of the sushumna at the muladhara, connected to our pingala and ida. I have personally witnessed that for a male, the masculine form of energy lies at the right side of the muladhara while the bulk of the power which is of feminine quality lies dormant in three and a half coils at the left side of their muladhara. For a female, however, the feminine form lies at the right side of the muladhara while the bulk of it which is of masculine quality lies dormant in three and a half coils at the left side of the muladhara.

Most of the time the kundalini at the right side of both male and female aspirants can be awakened by saktipat, devotion, high emotions, accidents, depressions and such. It does not go through sushumna but takes any other channels that are open. It does its work to prepare the body and mind. It is a slow movement but safer even though there are challenges.

The left side on the other hand is dangerous and not to be tampered with. It has a “lock” that cannot be easily opened. It can only be opened purely by the grace of God for those who patiently apply the keys of kriya taught by great yogis. 

Yogis are sages who know the secret behind matter. Their cardinal point of spiritual focus is on the spine. Yogis aim to manipulate the state of death so as to witness the journey back to their origin. They have developed great techniques to help unlock the primal energy latent in our body in order to attain enlightenment.

Thus, when the power house on the left side is awakened, it travels jet speed-like through the sushumna or the royal path alone and smashes into the crown chakra creating a splendid spectacle of light works, as if millions of suns were exploding simultaneously. The teacher must then know how to ground the energy for it can harm the aspirant. The aspirant must then learn how to control it bringing it up and down the spine before it takes its gait proper.

Blessed am I to have received guidance from the ever-living secret sage of the Himalayas and from his entourage of the High, “the Sages whose faces are always on fire”. He guides those chosen by God to unlock the dangerous shorter route. Blessed am I to be taken under his wings. Blessed am I to learn both paths.

This is an excerpt from Three and A Half Coils, Chapter 12 - KUNDALINI.
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